
Celebrating our local communities through inspired song-writing, joyful singing and playful interviews!

Since 2014, we have worked in a range of youth settings, including schools and youth clubs, to create a fantastic collection of songs inspired by their local communities. The songs have gone on to be sung by community choirs, professional singers and members of the public, at school assemblies, open days, concerts, community events and even the opening night of the Bath International Music Festival. Children bring a unique perspective to their community and when their observations are set to music and sung in a capella harmonies, everyone really pays attention.

In autumn/winter 2016, Kilter widened the celebration of geographical and interest groups by reaching out to societies, initiatives, volunteers and clubs who are helping shape the communities they are based in. A series of fun, playful and informal interviews were recorded and, combined with Unsung song recordings, edited into a series of programmes broadcast on Bath Hospital Radio in summer 2017.


The Unsung project is kindly supported by Bath & North East Somerset Council, Curo, Westfield Parish Council and Midsomer Norton Town Council.

Each programme celebrates the interesting, exciting, unique and inspiring activities happening in a particular community, and provides groups with the opportunity to promote their work to a wider audience!


Participant Reactions

“[Unsung] made us laugh, cry, think and look forward to all the exciting times ahead! The singing was inspiring and definitely had the ‘feel good’ factor!” 

- Headteacher, Bath   

“My class loved Unsung. It was well structured, totally inclusive and thoroughly enjoyable. We cannot wait to hear our anthem sung!!” 

- Lucy Willis, Teacher

"it was a pleasure to be part of."

"affirmed my belief in the eloquence of young people in talking about things that matter to them."

"Fun and very rewarding. Interesting. We take the words of children and turn them into complex, layered gorgeous songs."


Foraged Fictions


The Darkling Society