The Rightful King Is Crowned

We are crowning the King! A week before the King is crowned!

Legendary leper and local King, Bladud, herded his pigs into the healing waters of Bath way back in the mists of time & legend. The pigs were healed, Bladud was healed, and his Kingdom was founded in Bath. 

As part of the Larkhall Festival, Kilter is working with local school children from Swainswick (aka Swines-wick, where Bladud herded his pigs) to create a huge royal puppet and a masked procession through the streets of Larkhall -  to end with a giant crowning ceremony in the town square.

Join us at The Bladud's Head Pub (of course) to learn some kingly moves for the procession and then join the chorus of voices as Bladud undertakes some solemn vows to serve, honour, and protect us all.


Date: Sunday 30th April 2023
Start time:
1pm (meet at 12:30pm) Location: Meet outside The Bladud’s Head Pub


All welcome - under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. 


There will be an open workshop/rehearsal for anyone and everyone who wants to get involved on the 22nd April, 10am, in the Bowling Alley of the Liberal Club, Larkhall. Come along and see how you can get more involved, making masks, making music, making madness.

This event is part of the Larkhall Festival. See what else is on during the festival here.


Questions or suggestions?

Get in touch with us by emailing


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